Monday, April 2, 2007

Extensive Sitting Hard for those with Fibromyalgia

This weekend, I attended a conference which had 2 hour sessions twice a day. I managed the first two hours o.k. I went home and rested in between. Then there was another 2 hour session. That I managed too.

The next day, I went for two and one half hours. That was too long! The last half hour, I could feel my muscles contracting. I tried moving around, and it relieved it a little. I would have been better to get up and walk around, but that wasn't an option at this meeting.

I went home and went to bed in between this meeting and the next. I got my muscles to relax a little.

I probably shouldn't have gone to the last meeting, but I wanted to go. I did pretty good until about the last half hour.

By the end, my muscles were so tight that I could hardly walk. I went home and went right to bed, allowing my body to relax. After about an hour, the severe pain had stopped and the muscles began to relax a little.

This morning I have residual pain similar to after a charlie horse. After I move around a little, the pain lessens. Tomorrow should be better.

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